Key verse

"Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever." Psalm 119:160

Monday, February 2, 2015

January 2015 News
This last month we have done a lot of looking.

Looking back at the past year, we see how God worked in amazing ways on our behalf.

He opened the doors that allowed us to be a part of the fellowship and ministry of many church families. To present the truth of Creation and proclaim our great Creator Saviour and His Gospel with both previously and newly composed Creation Presentations. We were privileged to get know many individuals and share what the Lord is doing in their lives and ours.
He allowed us to create last year’s VBS curriculum, “Talking Rocks Ranch.” It was a joy to teach it in 10 churches as well as present part of it at a couple of churches before the summer began. The children and adults who attended really seemed to enter into the “Old West” fun and the Lord gave us great freedom to share the message, “Be Ready Next Time!” that the rocks laid down by the Flood cry out. We have a great God who judges sin but also remembers mercy and extends forgiveness and grace to those who turn to Him in faith and obedience. We are so grateful for the 25 professions of faith.

Looking up in trust that God is faithful.

When Stan was diagnosed with multiple heart conditions in the middle of our second to last VBS, we were suddenly minus a key person for our VBS ministry. God was not surprised and provided us with people who were willing to step in and fill the gap for those two weeks. In the weeks and, in fact, months that followed, we focused on the health issues that were keeping Stan from being able to preach, sing, or even talk for some time due to coughing spells, weakness, and doctor’s orders. The Lord used many of you to provide for our financial needs during that time.
Our laptop finally had to be retired and the Lord graciously provided us with a much newer one in time for the Chinese Retreat that we taught over Christmas. It was a wonderful 5 days with 230 young hearts to minister to, many who came back each day with questions, and 8 professions of faith. Sadly, during the transfer to the new computer, we somehow lost all the pictures we had downloaded onto it since April 2014, including all our 2014 VBS pictures. The new PowerPoint program is also much more advanced than the old one, and our presentations have been greatly darkened and altered due to the change. We praise God our Rock for allowing us to make the changes needed in time for each of the teaching sessions at the Chinese Retreat to make them work. Please pray for Jessica as she needs to re-create all of our presentations using the new program.

Looking forward to what God has for us next.

With our health improved, we are getting excited about what the Lord has in mind for 2015. Brainstorming is taking place for this year’s VBS Curriculum and we are happy to say that our theme is going to be uplifting with our working title of “A Message from Above!” We are praying for wisdom and direction for this, as well as speaking engagements and other ministry opportunities. Thank you for your much needed prayers for us and the many other ways you have supported our family and ministry.

For the Creator, the Stan Myers Family 

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