Key verse

"Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever." Psalm 119:160

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

VBS 2016 will be here before we know it.
We are excited to see what God will do in hearts and lives this year.
 We thought it would be fun to look back at last summer with a glimpse of the 12 weeks of "Above and Beyod" 2015 VBS adventures God gave us!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

TIME! Where did it come from? Will we always have it? 
What happens when time runs out?
Come learn about God Who made, orders, and gives us time.  

A clock shop is a good place to find the correct time, but will Danny and Molly also find treasure there? Join the hunt at Hickory Dickory’s Clock Shop to find truths about a precious gift we have all been given. Hurry before time runs out!
Creation Days - Let’s take a closer look at the beginning of time 
during the first week ever!
Time on the Line – A chronological view of some major Bible events
Memory Time – Psalm 39:4-7
Dinosaurs through Time
In the Beginning, After the Fall, During the Flood, Dinosaur Hunters, Dinosaurs Today
The Time Keeper God has a lot to say about time, its use, and value!
His Story – Key Bible Accounts of History
Tick Talk – Sketch that reveals the foolishness of evolutionary lies about time
Book Time – “Redeeming the Time” journal plus an optional Devotional Book
Review Time – Time to see what you remember and race against time!
“Time’s Up!”  A skit to make you think
Original Action Songs and more!

TIME. Everyone gets the same amount each day. We measure it, use it, waste it, and lose it—one second at a time. But we often forget where it comes from and why we have it. Adults watch it flashing by and often wish to go back and use it more wisely. Children and youth see it dragging on with no end and little value, to be wished and played away. But no one has all the time in the world; time is limited and we can’t go back and relive it. Time itself had a beginning and it will have an end. It’s time people of all ages see time from a Biblical perspective as a valuable treasure to be used with purpose! “The Time Keeper” VBS 2016 will focus on our Creator, His creation, control, and account of time, and His right to tell us how to use this treasure.

Time is running out! Children have questions and need answers for how everything began, why bad things happen, where Satan came from, why Jesus came, what happens when people die, and how they can be sure of a home in Heaven. They also need the truth about dinosaurs, the age of the earth, and an understanding of a basic Biblical timeline. Let’s not let unanswered questions be the roadblocks that hinder young hearts from coming to the Lord while there is yet time. II Corinthians 6:2 says, “For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”

We look forward to serving with churches 
to encourage children and youth to acknowledge God as 
“The Time Keeper” 
and choose to give their hearts and time to Him!

Our typical 2 ½ hour daily VBS format is as follows:
Large Group Session 1 hour
  Opening Skit
  Action Songs and Memory Verses
  Bible Lesson and Invitation
  Other Main Bible Teaching (scattered between songs, etc.)

Small Group Sessions 1 hour 
  We divide the children into 2 groups (Up to 2nd Grade/ 3rd and Up) for 1/2 sessions, then switch
·         Active Review - review games and snack (unless the church provides a meal before VBS starts)
·         Book Time – Teacher-directed workbook and activity time 

Wrap-Up Session ½ hour
  Song and Verse Review, Wrap-up Teaching, Announcements

We are currently filling out our summer schedule. 
If you are interested in having us join you in your VBS outreach, please call or e-mail us as soon as possible so we can find a week that will work for you.
1-850-572-1675 or

For the Creator,

Stan Myers Family C2C Team