Key verse

"Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever." Psalm 119:160

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer 2012 Report

This summer our Vacation Bible School theme was “Where Were You?” Detectives, teaching about logic, creation, and the absolutes of God's Word. Each day we looked for design fingerprints of God to remind us to “magnify the Lord!” for His creation. Walking down our mystery Bible Truth Trails about the Bible, God, Man, Jesus, and Christians helped us learn doctrine as well as give children the opportunity to respond to the Gospel.

The Fallacy Buster Detectives (skits), Creation Question of the Day, and Case Book Time exposed fallacies of man's thinking and evolution and encouraged children to see this world and life from God's point of view. It was great to see the children responding to the truth of God's Word and calling out The Bible says No! Now go!”
when they caught the fallacy villains who tried to exchange the truth for a lie. 

Satan did his best to keep this summer of ministry from happening with sickness, distractions, a tropical storm, etc., but our omnipotent Creator overruled and showed Himself The Victor! Each week was an adventure and a blessing. We had amazing teams of “Inspectors” from each church and saw God provide and work in so many ways.

Although we taught the same curriculum all summer, each week was refreshed by
the excitement and prayers of the church
families and the new faces, personalities,
and needs of the children present.

We did 6 VBS's and 1 camp and loved every minute of it.

About 400 children, young people, and adults took part in VBS this summer.

We thank God for the good reports from parents, workers, and the children themselves on how the truth of God's Word was impacting them.

It was a joy to see 19 children and
 2 teens make professions of faith
 as they responded to the Gospel!