Key verse

"Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever." Psalm 119:160

Sunday, July 1, 2012

We thank our great Creator Savior for showing Himself strong this past week. 
He turned the course of the tropical storm that threatened to cancel camp and gave us beautiful weather to enjoy! Jesus worked in hearts and lives and called five campers to put their faith in Him for salvation. Part way through the week, it became necessary for our family to go in two directions. Stan and Jessica continued to teach at camp and Susan and Bryan traveled to another town for medical reasons. The Lord Jesus enabled Bryan to have surgery when it became apparent that his condition was worsening and could not wait until we returned home to his doctor. Bryan is resting and recovering well. Our family has been reunited and we are teaching VBS in Ozark, Alabama this week. We trust the Lord for the strength to serve and the outcome as He works in and through us, the children, and the church here.