Key verse

"Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever." Psalm 119:160

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Watch Your Step! 
by Jessica Myers

It is said that the average person will take about 2,000 steps for every mile they walk. Most of us will take multiple thousands of steps each day just doing our daily routine.

Even if you only took 5,000 steps a day (which is considered lower than average), you would make a total of 35,000 steps a week. In an average month that would be 1,085,000 steps. And in one year, it would equal a little under 13,000,000 steps.

That is a lot of steps! And most of us will take thousands or even millions more depending on our occupations, inclinations, and abilities. 

Thousands of steps sound important and indeed are necessary to keep us fit and allow us to reach our goals and destinations, but what about just one step.
Is one step important?     
What difference can one step make? 

     One Sunday night--a little over a week ago--I took a step that got my attention
I had slung the computer bag over one shoulder, filled one arm with our family stack of Bibles, notebooks, etc., and clutched the projector bag with my free hand. It had been a great Lord's Day with the opportunity to teach children's church and present the ministry in the morning service and then share a creation presentation that night. 
     Many of the church members had already finished visiting after the service and were headed home. I was fulfilling my self-appointed role of packing things up and stowing them in the van while my family continued visiting with those who remained. I was in a bit of a hurry as we had a family coming over after church for a late supper, and I knew it would take several trips to get everything loaded, not to mention the time needed for final goodbyes. It was a bit dark outside the church as I walked down the sidewalk toward where our van was parked.
     My mind was thinking ahead to what needed to be done before company arrived. I further distracted myself by looking out at the truck stop across the street. I had talked to a young man who worked there a few days before. Had he read the tract I gave him as promised? Would he overcome his childhood grudge and visit one of the many good churches in the area I had recomended? Too bad I hadn't realised at the time that this church was so close and that we would be speaking and singing there! It was such a lovely evening. To think that tomorrow was expected to be wet and cloudy with the approach of Tuseday's projected storm. Well, we would be leaving tomorrow in time to avoid it. Such thoughts darted through my head in less time than it takes to read them as I walked steadily toward the van. 
     Suddenly, with one step, I was lying on the ground. I had unknowingly stepped off the sidewalk in such a way that I had fallen, scattering my cargo. I felt vaguely that I had hit my left knee upon the cement curb where I now half sat in front of the van. I wanted to get up, but the growing pain in my right ankle screamed for me to be still. "Dear Father, Help Me!" "Dear Jesus, Help Me!" I tried not to faint from the pain. The almost empty parking lot, the remembrance that the door had locked behind me, the knowledge of my parents' propensity to fellowship till the last moment did nothing to ease my mind. I cried out to God louder and louder. 
     I was in too much pain to truly consider what type of damage may have been done. A wave of nasea swept over me and the pain intensified. If only someone would come out and see me. I wanted my Mother! I tried to think where my phone was. If I could just find it...but, no, it was in my purse on the front row in the sanctuary. I began to call out for Mom. "MOM! MOM!" I felt like one of the bawling calves I had ridden behind during a cattle drive at a friend's ranch a few days before. I sounded pathetic, but I didn't care. I needed help! 
    What a relief to see the church door swing open a few moments later. God knew exactly what was needed. The first one out the door was a search and rescue worker. He sent one of his children to fetch my parents and immediately checked my now HUGELY swelling ankle. Good news! It was not broken, but severely sprained (we didn't know it then but my foot itself was also sprained). He carefully deposited me into the van and gave us some things to do and watch for. I will save you the explanation of my treatments, countless groans, apologies to my family, and their words of comfort; and simply say that even one step can make a great impact. 

One Misstep...
       brought great pain 
       a need for much aid, comfort, and time for healing

One Misstep...
       affected those closest to me
       changed our plans to travel the next day into the next week

One Misstep...
       reminded me of the importance of each step we take--not only physically, but in our 
       lives as a whole. I need the Lord to guide my steps.

I have just now begun to take a few tentative steps again. I trust I will soon be able to walk without pain and once more think it no great thing to take thousands of steps each day. But I pray that I will watch my step. I want each step I take to be sure, steady, and on the Lord's path for my life so I need to follow His direction. A misstep off a sidewalk can cause pain and change plans, but a misstep off the Lord's Way can have much more damaging consequences for a Christian. I thank the Lord that He is merciful and even in times of failure upholds us. These verses are wonderful promises. 

 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: 
and he delighteth in his way. 
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: 
for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand."
Psalm 37:23-24 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

We are on a Fossil Hunt! (This page is under construction.)
 Please pray that we will find a representation of as many of these types of fossils as possible for display and teaching of the Flood!  
Note: If you have a fossil that you would like to donate to the cause, please e-mail us at     

What kinds of Fossils are there?                               
Humboldt County, California

Creation Museum

Replica of the famous "Fish-Within-a-Fish" fossil found outside of Hays, Kansas

A Xiphactinus that has swallowed a
Gillicus arcuatus 
This fish must have been buried and fossilized rapidly not only for its own fossil to remain but also to fossilize the fish it ate before it could be digested.

Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum
Glendive, Montana

Part of a petrified tree.

Petrified Forrest
South Dakota

Whole creature—soft part and all


Creation Museum

Dinosaur Eggs!
These are believed to be fossilized hadrosaur eggs (duck billed dinosaur). They were dug up in the Xixia Basin, Henan Province, China. 

Creation Museum

Interesting Types:
  True Fossils:   
          Insects trapped in amber

          Mummy fossils—formed when a creature dries out completely, like a piece of                                                                   beef jerky
          Fossils in tar 

fossil-shaped chunks of sandstone that look like apples, hearts, or little “people” called loess dolls

          Ripple marks
          Mud cracks
          Raindrop impressions

          Fulgarites - Cylinders of fused sand that show where lightning struck

     Trace Fossils   
         Worm burrows

         Animal and human tracks
Three Toed Dinosaur Track!
Believed to be the track of an Acrocanthosaurus

This trace fossil was excatated from the Paluxy River bank near Glenrose Texas. This formation is famous for many dinosaur tracks including the first sauropod tracks ever discovered. Human fossilized footprints were also found alongside some of the dinosaur tracks! 

Creation Museum

  Fossil Fuels:  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Last Saturday night we had the opportunity to give a special dinner for the host family who has graciously allowed us the use of their trailer home while we are in their area. It has been such a blessing to have a home away from home, fellowship with these dear ones, and lots of fresh air and adventure on their ranch. As you can see from the picture, we had a great time putting the Creation Cafe together and celebrating God's days of creation with a one-of-a-kind menu, specialized games, and lots of laughter. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Saturday was a great day as I got to help a church distribute John and Romans and invitations to church to every home in Douglas, WY. We are praying that the Lord will use His Word to pierce hearts and draw them to Himself. May many accept the invitation to grow and fellowship with this church that has a desire to bring people to Christ!
Last Wednesday we spoke at a church in Casper, Wyoming. It was exciting to have about 20 teenagers as well as the adults. A friend of ours who goes to college in Casper and attends this church on Wednesdays was excited that a college classmate finally came with him for the first time that night after weeks of invites. He even said they had been talking about the brain's ability to remember things on the way to church. The presentation we gave that night was on Remember Now Thy Creator and talks a lot about memory and the brain as well! I'm so grateful for an all-knowing God and trust that He will continue to work in hearts and minds to draw people to Himself and His ways.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Praise God for another great Sunday here in Wyoming, yesterday! Dad shared a quick overview of Creation2Christ in Sunday school followed by a condensed "Designed on Purpose" presentation. Our family was able to sing for the morning service before Mom and I took the children downstairs for a creation day lesson in children's church. That evening we spoke "back to back" at two churches in town! We shared "Remember Now Thy Creator" at Douglas Baptist and then Bryan shared "Dino Tracks" at Calvary Baptist where we had been for the morning services. That afternoon I was feeling awful (tummy ache?), but God showed Himself strong and allowed me to do my part of setting up and running the PowerPoint, singing, and acting in skits for both services. God is good!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

God commands the snow to fall!
It sure did come down outside of Douglas, Wyoming yesterday! Beautiful and ever so cold! 

When I think about the fact that no two snowflakes are exactly alike, I have to agree with Job. I can't comprehend God's great ability and endless design!

"God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend. For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength." Job 37:5-6  

Had a good meeting in Gillette, WY on Wednesday night. Great turn out of children and adults. May the Lord continue to remind all who came that they are designed on purpose. May we all yield to His purposes daily.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunday was a wonderfully full day here in Wyoming! We enjoyed hearing another missionary we know present the work he felt called to during Sunday School. Our family sang for the morning service and then Mom and I taught children's church. After lunch at the church we stuffed 4,000 door hanger bags with John and Romans, church invites, etc. From there we walked across the street to sing at the nursing home and ended up visit with a gentleman who lives there until it was time to run to another church's 5:00 service. We then raced to slip into the 6:00 service (we were a bit late) of yet another church where we stayed and visited with the people and pastor and his wife for an additional hour and a half. It is wonderful to see the way the Lord is working in the churches in this area. One has a new pastor that is on fire to reach every home in Douglas, one had just had a wonderful, heart challenging missions conference where they saw two souls saved, and one has made great strides in their building project since we were there two years ago and is seeing families added and steps of growth in those attending. What a mighty God we serve! We will be doing presentations in two of these churches next Sunday as the Lord allows. 
Looking back over the three summer months, we thank God for His faithfulness, for the spiritual growth we saw in so many, and for the twenty-two children we saw make professions of Jesus as Saviour during the ten VBS’s and one camp this summer. More than 335 children came to VBS and camp this summer to be taught the King of My Castle curriculum. We had more than 550 people involved, including teens and adults.

It was exciting to share the glory, victory, power, greatness, and majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is King over all kings and over all His creation; and to challenge each one to make Him truly their personal King. One day everyone bow the knee to Him. We pray that all those that heard the message of King of My Castle will submit to Him for salvation and service before it is too late.

It was great to watch as many of our hearers realized for the first time that dinosaurs were called dragons, and yes, people did see and interact with dinosaurs. We did not live millions of years apart. Dinosaurs were created by God; they were not a product of time and chance. It was exciting to praise God together for His creation as He has commanded.

It was a blessing to work with each church and see the people get involved by helping us set up and decorate the church, being willing to wear royal and knightly costumes, bravely acting out the dragon legends, taking pictures,
helping with the children in registration, nuncheon, tutelage, and tournament time, and helping with tearing down and packing up! The encouragement and care we received were uplifting throughout the summer. 

Praise our Creator King for showing that He is still on the throne and actively working to draw hearts to Himself!

For more pictures from VBS go to the Summer Schedule tab!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

We are thanking the Lord for the three VBS weeks we have enjoyed so far. Next week we will be teaching our VBS material at a small church-run camp outside of Panama City, Florida. Please be in prayer for the campers and staff. There have been some real struggles to overcome, including theft and possible sabotage. This is a truly God-honoring camp and it is a joy to work with them. We are all trusting God to work mightily in hearts and lives during this junior week and later on at teen camp.

Here is a picture of last year's junior week at Camp Victory.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

VBS 2013 - King of My Castle!

We praise our King for enabling us to begin our summer ministry of teaching Vacation Bible Schools and for those individuals and churches who helped this summer get off to a great start!

We are excited as we see the Lord working!
We are currently in the middle of our third VBS.
Next week we teach at a CAMP and then seven more VBS's!
Praise God!

Please be in prayer that our family, the many churches and helpers, and the children will be open to God's Word and that Jesus Christ would have His way in our hearts and lives!
May Christ be the King of your heart's castle.

Here is a glimpse of VBS!

We hope to post more VBS pictures later! May Christ be praised!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

It was great to attend the first Annual 
Heartland Baptist Missions Candidate School
 to encourage and meet the new missionary candidates.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Christ is the King of 
my Castle!

We are busily writing our new Vacation Bible School Curriculum
 for 2013 
and already can't wait to teach it!
We appreciate the prayers of 
The King's subjects on our behalf. We want it to be effective in the lives of those who take part in 
VBS this summer!

As Bach and many classical composers wrote on their blank manuscript pages
J.J. = Jesu Juva  
"Help me, Jesus!"

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

One of the most demanding and rewarding ministry opportunities last year was our first Creation Adventure Week, which we held during a Chinese Retreat. 
We taught our VBS curriculum plus many additions
 for five days December 21-25 
to about 170 Chinese children grades 3-6.

Thankfully, the children all understood English. It was a privilege to be allowed to teach them, and we trust that it gave them a greater understanding of the Christian worldview, their need for repentance, and the one way of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. They had a lot of questions that we were able to address both during teaching times and some one on one. Thank you to our many friends who were praying over this time of ministry and those who assisted us in registering, sitting among, and counseling children. God was at work! About 30 of these precious young people came back for counseling during the week and many decisions for Christ were made. Although we were not able to keep track of every counseling decision, 27 salvation decisions were recorded from the combined children's groups at the conference. Praise God!

Sadly, some of the children we talked with (even some from Christian homes) were questioning the existence of God. The teaching of Evolution and its godless humanistic worldview is prevalent and pervasive in every facet of education, government, and media and is affecting the lives of children and adults--whether we want to believe it or not. The truth of God's Word must be presented and upheld. The lies of Satan's humanistic reasoning must be refuted and exposed. We must be actively living and sharing the truth we have in Christ. Prayer is essential, for God is the One Who gives power to reject lies and embrace the truth! 

Please Pray that...
  • the Holy Spirit will bring conviction of sin and the need for Christ to the hearts of those who have heard but have not yet believed in Him for salvation.

  • the young Chinese believers will continue to embrace Christ and stand for Him all their days.
  • the parents of these young people will come to know the Lord and grow mightily in His Word so that they can instruct their children in righteousness and help them to see and reject Satan's lies.

  • God will empower us and that we will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we seek to share His truth with others.

2012 Report

Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you so much for your prayers, support, and the love and care you have shown us. We know that God has used you greatly to enable us to travel for the Creator. This has been a full year of ministry and growth as we have seen God work even in our weakness. We have had sorrow as a family as we lost our first grandson in the womb, and joy as we see God's love and healing power, not only for heartaches, but in Bryan's tremendous health improvements. 

was a time of giving presentations and making preparation for VBS. 
was a wonderful season as we saw hearts and lives turn to the Lord
 during VBSs and camp and amazing answers to prayer. 
allowed us opportunity to get out in God's creation, stretch ourselves
 in new areas of ministry like teaching a high-school biology class, 
and invite others to join God's creation in celebrating a 
“Creation Thanksgiving.”
began with us hurrying to complete necessary projects
 to keep our home dry before the snow fell and
 Stan had the joy of performing two weddings for family members
 down in the Kansas City area.
 We were able to have meetings in KS and MO, 
including presenting our Christmas Family Tree program. 
The highlight of December was teaching at a Chinese Retreat!

By the end of 2012 , we had at least 43 meetings in churches
14 other meetings such as nursing homes, 
homeschool gatherings, and schools
6 weeks of VBSs / 1 week of Camp / 5 days of Chinese Children's Ministry
Manned witnessing booth and sang at a 5-day Camp Meeting in Ohio
Participated in tract distribution and street witnessing
As well as singing in many churches, homes, and for special occasions
Our mileage in 2012 was 28,400!

This past year we spent some time out west and added Montana to our list of states where God has enable us to share about our Creator Saviour. While in Montana for a week, we spoke several times, made some new friends, and did some research on the side.
At the new Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum in Glendive, MT, we found excellent displays and the information presenting the 
biblical creation viewpoint of dinosaurs
as well as the many other fossils laid down by the Flood.

Another neat time of research took place at
Medicine Rocks State Park in Ekalaka, MT
where we found evidence of the Flood. We wrote an article and included many neat pictures of our findings. You can read the article, 
“More Than Holes in Rocks” by scrolling farther down in our blog.

For the Creator,
The Stan Myers Family

Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.”
Psalm 119:160