Key verse

"Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever." Psalm 119:160

Monday, November 2, 2015

 Questions and Answers

Last week we were invited to teach
 at a public school during an after-school Bible club.
The children had LOTS of great questions. We planned on teaching a half hour on the creation days and then go into a Bible lesson on Jonah, but a question and answer time became the rest of the lesson after the creation days were covered. 

The first through fifth graders wanted to know...   
   Where did God come from?
When were dinosaurs made? 
How could Adam and Eve survive with dinosaurs? 
Why do animals eat each other? 
Did a meteor kill the dinosaurs?
Did dragons breathe fire? 
Where is hell? 
and so much more! 

What a super opportunity! The Lord helped me to answer their questions and to weave the gospel message into this time as well. When the invitation was given, at least one child voiced their desire to be saved OUT LOUD! No one came back for counseling that day, but I am praying for the message to bear fruit. I am thankful for the faithful volunteers who share God's Word each week.

Please pray for these children to come to know the Lord and that we will have many more opportunities to share God's truth with children in the public school setting.

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