We are on a Fossil Hunt! (This page is under construction.)
Please pray that we will find a representation of as many of these types of fossils as possible for display and teaching of the Flood!
Note: If you have a fossil that you would like to donate to the cause, please e-mail us at
What kinds of Fossils are there?
Humboldt County, California
Creation Museum
Replica of the famous "Fish-Within-a-Fish" fossil found outside of Hays, Kansas
A Xiphactinus that has swallowed a
Gillicus arcuatus
This fish must have been buried and fossilized rapidly not only for its own fossil to remain but also to fossilize the fish it ate before it could be digested.
Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum
Glendive, Montana
Part of a petrified tree.
Petrified Forrest
South Dakota
Whole creature—soft part and all
Creation Museum
Dinosaur Eggs!
These are believed to be fossilized hadrosaur eggs (duck billed dinosaur). They were dug up in the Xixia Basin, Henan Province, China.
Creation Museum
Interesting Types:
True Fossils:
Insects trapped in amber
Mummy fossils—formed when a creature
dries out completely, like a piece of beef jerky
Fossils in tar
fossil-shaped chunks of sandstone that
look like apples, hearts, or little “people” called loess dolls
Ripple marks
Mud cracks
Raindrop impressions
Fulgarites - Cylinders of fused sand that show where lightning struck
Trace Fossils
Worm burrows
Animal and human tracks
Three Toed Dinosaur Track!
Believed to be the track of an Acrocanthosaurus
This trace fossil was excatated from the Paluxy River bank near Glenrose Texas. This formation is famous for many dinosaur tracks including the first sauropod tracks ever discovered. Human fossilized footprints were also found alongside some of the dinosaur tracks!
Creation Museum
Fossil Fuels:
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