Key verse

"Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever." Psalm 119:160

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

We are on a Fossil Hunt! (This page is under construction.)
 Please pray that we will find a representation of as many of these types of fossils as possible for display and teaching of the Flood!  
Note: If you have a fossil that you would like to donate to the cause, please e-mail us at     

What kinds of Fossils are there?                               
Humboldt County, California

Creation Museum

Replica of the famous "Fish-Within-a-Fish" fossil found outside of Hays, Kansas

A Xiphactinus that has swallowed a
Gillicus arcuatus 
This fish must have been buried and fossilized rapidly not only for its own fossil to remain but also to fossilize the fish it ate before it could be digested.

Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum
Glendive, Montana

Part of a petrified tree.

Petrified Forrest
South Dakota

Whole creature—soft part and all


Creation Museum

Dinosaur Eggs!
These are believed to be fossilized hadrosaur eggs (duck billed dinosaur). They were dug up in the Xixia Basin, Henan Province, China. 

Creation Museum

Interesting Types:
  True Fossils:   
          Insects trapped in amber

          Mummy fossils—formed when a creature dries out completely, like a piece of                                                                   beef jerky
          Fossils in tar 

fossil-shaped chunks of sandstone that look like apples, hearts, or little “people” called loess dolls

          Ripple marks
          Mud cracks
          Raindrop impressions

          Fulgarites - Cylinders of fused sand that show where lightning struck

     Trace Fossils   
         Worm burrows

         Animal and human tracks
Three Toed Dinosaur Track!
Believed to be the track of an Acrocanthosaurus

This trace fossil was excatated from the Paluxy River bank near Glenrose Texas. This formation is famous for many dinosaur tracks including the first sauropod tracks ever discovered. Human fossilized footprints were also found alongside some of the dinosaur tracks! 

Creation Museum

  Fossil Fuels:  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Last Saturday night we had the opportunity to give a special dinner for the host family who has graciously allowed us the use of their trailer home while we are in their area. It has been such a blessing to have a home away from home, fellowship with these dear ones, and lots of fresh air and adventure on their ranch. As you can see from the picture, we had a great time putting the Creation Cafe together and celebrating God's days of creation with a one-of-a-kind menu, specialized games, and lots of laughter. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Saturday was a great day as I got to help a church distribute John and Romans and invitations to church to every home in Douglas, WY. We are praying that the Lord will use His Word to pierce hearts and draw them to Himself. May many accept the invitation to grow and fellowship with this church that has a desire to bring people to Christ!
Last Wednesday we spoke at a church in Casper, Wyoming. It was exciting to have about 20 teenagers as well as the adults. A friend of ours who goes to college in Casper and attends this church on Wednesdays was excited that a college classmate finally came with him for the first time that night after weeks of invites. He even said they had been talking about the brain's ability to remember things on the way to church. The presentation we gave that night was on Remember Now Thy Creator and talks a lot about memory and the brain as well! I'm so grateful for an all-knowing God and trust that He will continue to work in hearts and minds to draw people to Himself and His ways.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Praise God for another great Sunday here in Wyoming, yesterday! Dad shared a quick overview of Creation2Christ in Sunday school followed by a condensed "Designed on Purpose" presentation. Our family was able to sing for the morning service before Mom and I took the children downstairs for a creation day lesson in children's church. That evening we spoke "back to back" at two churches in town! We shared "Remember Now Thy Creator" at Douglas Baptist and then Bryan shared "Dino Tracks" at Calvary Baptist where we had been for the morning services. That afternoon I was feeling awful (tummy ache?), but God showed Himself strong and allowed me to do my part of setting up and running the PowerPoint, singing, and acting in skits for both services. God is good!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

God commands the snow to fall!
It sure did come down outside of Douglas, Wyoming yesterday! Beautiful and ever so cold! 

When I think about the fact that no two snowflakes are exactly alike, I have to agree with Job. I can't comprehend God's great ability and endless design!

"God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend. For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength." Job 37:5-6  

Had a good meeting in Gillette, WY on Wednesday night. Great turn out of children and adults. May the Lord continue to remind all who came that they are designed on purpose. May we all yield to His purposes daily.