Praise the Lord for this past summer of VBS ministry! What a mighty God we serve!
Psalm 145:10 "All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD; and thy saints shall bless thee."
The Lord enabled us to have 9 full weeks of VBS plus one day of VBS at a church that had to forgo its intended week. We also were able to speak at an overnight church activity and Saturday event as well as some preaching in between! We saw many children come back for counseling and rejoice in the decisions to trust in Jesus and for the growth and desire to follow God that was expressed by young people and adults. "Talking Rocks Ranch VBS" was a lot of old time country fun, but more importantly it was a way to reach boys and girls of all ages with the vital truths of God Almighty Who is the Rock of our Salvation! He is the One deserving of praise!
This quote by G. W. Griffith is a reminder of this truth.
"Sing odes to nature," murmurs the agnostic. "Do homage to reason," demands the rationalist. "Praise the virtue of wine and pleasure," cries the sensualist. "Crown Mars the god of war," shouts the conqueror. "Sing of me," arrogantly demands the self-worshipers; but singing birds and murmuring brooks and rustling leaves and thundering oceans are vocal in praise to heaven's King, and, if man refuses to join the chorus, the stones will cry out. "All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee."