Key verse

"Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever." Psalm 119:160

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The summer ministry kicked off last week with our first "Day at Talking Rocks Ranch!" using the brand new VBS curriculum God has enabled us to write. It was a small turnout, but God is not limmited by numbers. We have hopes to come back to this same church next year, but with a different approach of going into several neighborhoods with backyard Bible clubs teaching next year's curriculum. Sunday the 18th was a full day ministering in two churches. Wednesday night Dad shared on how language is given to us by God and shows we have a Creator. Sunday the 25th Bryan was ill. Stan and Jessica were able to sing specials at a church. Bryan is feeling some better. Praise the Lord! 

The second week of June begins our VBS summer ministry in earnest. We are trusting Jesus Christ our Rock to show Himself strong and work in the lives of the children, young people, and adults who come. Pray for us, brethren. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Thanks again to the Davison Family for supplying many of the materials and giving of their time to help with this year's VBS decorations and visuals! Here are a few pictures from our time together. We got a lot done and we still had time to play around with a huge tire that Isaac tied up for one night in the tree. :-)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Feeling blessed to have had so many volunteers help out with VBS visuals, props, and animation! There is more to do, but it is wonderful to see things taking shape. I am praying that the children will not only enjoy seeing these tangible things, but that they will be given the spiritual eyes to see and accept God's Word and amazing Gospel!