Key verse

"Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever." Psalm 119:160

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Praise the Lord for this past summer of VBS ministry! What a mighty God we serve!

Psalm 145:10  "All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD; and thy saints shall bless thee."

The Lord enabled us to have 9 full weeks of VBS plus one day of VBS at a church that had to forgo its intended week. We also were able to speak at an overnight church activity and Saturday event as well as some preaching in between! We saw many children come back for counseling and rejoice in the decisions to trust in Jesus and for the growth and desire to follow God that was expressed by young people and adults. "Talking Rocks Ranch VBS" was a lot of old time country fun, but more importantly it was a way to reach boys and girls of all ages with the vital truths of God Almighty Who is the Rock of our Salvation! He is the One deserving of praise!

This quote by G. W. Griffith is a reminder of this truth.

"Sing odes to nature," murmurs the agnostic. "Do homage to reason," demands the rationalist. "Praise the virtue of wine and pleasure," cries the sensualist. "Crown Mars the god of war," shouts the conqueror. "Sing of me," arrogantly demands the self-worshipers; but singing birds and murmuring brooks and rustling leaves and thundering oceans are vocal in praise to heaven's King, and, if man refuses to join the chorus, the stones will cry out. "All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee."

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Thanking the Lord for our first week of VBS being accomplished and for the lives that were touched through it! One young boy trusted in the Lord and brought several visitors throughout the week. The children gave testimonies of noticing "millions of years" talk in magazines and such and were able to point out the error in this thinking as God did not use millions of years or evolution to make this world. Nothing is millions of years old as everything was first created by God only about 6,000 years ago!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The summer ministry kicked off last week with our first "Day at Talking Rocks Ranch!" using the brand new VBS curriculum God has enabled us to write. It was a small turnout, but God is not limmited by numbers. We have hopes to come back to this same church next year, but with a different approach of going into several neighborhoods with backyard Bible clubs teaching next year's curriculum. Sunday the 18th was a full day ministering in two churches. Wednesday night Dad shared on how language is given to us by God and shows we have a Creator. Sunday the 25th Bryan was ill. Stan and Jessica were able to sing specials at a church. Bryan is feeling some better. Praise the Lord! 

The second week of June begins our VBS summer ministry in earnest. We are trusting Jesus Christ our Rock to show Himself strong and work in the lives of the children, young people, and adults who come. Pray for us, brethren. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Thanks again to the Davison Family for supplying many of the materials and giving of their time to help with this year's VBS decorations and visuals! Here are a few pictures from our time together. We got a lot done and we still had time to play around with a huge tire that Isaac tied up for one night in the tree. :-)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Feeling blessed to have had so many volunteers help out with VBS visuals, props, and animation! There is more to do, but it is wonderful to see things taking shape. I am praying that the children will not only enjoy seeing these tangible things, but that they will be given the spiritual eyes to see and accept God's Word and amazing Gospel!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

We are excited to be driving to Saint Peter in a few minutes to meet our dear friends the Davison family and pick up some materials they have gathered and given to us for making VBS backdrops, props, and visuals. Their great young people Hannah and Isaac are coming back with us to give us several days of their time, energy, and talents in making said materials for VBS! We will also be picking up a copier Mr. Davison's work has donated to our ministry. There are a few things we need to find at a thrift store along the way, like queen sheets to paint backdrops on. Please pray for a safe and successful time in town and for the Lord to bless this family and the preparations for VBS during this week!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

So excited! I have sent the first three of five short sketch scripts for our "Fossil Feature" off to be drawn and animated by the amazing animator Miranda Markley. Looking forward to sharing her work again at VBS this summer!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

We are excited to announce the addition of a new grandson! 
So grateful to God for our darling little Edward! May the Lord bless him and his family.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

                    Looking at the world today, what do we see?
Millions of Rocks NOT Millions of Years!

The millions-of-years evolutionary thinking is everywhere. So many people believe in them and therefore disregard or reject God and His Word. Textbooks, museums, coloring books, movies, national park and overlook signs, billboards, the media, and more are pushing this theory as if it were fact. Is it important how and when these rock layers were laid down and the fossils made? Why do they want to label the rocks, fossils, dinosaurs, etc., as millions of years old? What do the rocks really tell us? How can I recognize and counteract the false and hidden messages of evolutionary thinking? And would God really send a flood? How could the ark have held all those animals? These questions and more will be answered as we take a look at how the Rocks cry out the message of the Flood. We will see that God is the Creator and Righteous Judge, why He sent this worldwide punishment, and how to avoid judgement in the future.

        Talking Rocks Ranch VBS 2014 is a fun look at rocks…               and a serious look at their message!

We are currently scheduling for VBS 2014. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are not yet down in stone on our calendar!

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch” is a daily skit that teaches aspects of “rockology” in a humorous Wild West style, while also helping the children to be aware of evolution's sometimes hidden anti-God messages and the truth they are trying so hard to cover up.

Monuments in Stone will highlight a few of the many amazing National Monuments the Flood left behind.

Message in Stone: God's Word never changes just as God never changes. He is our Rock. We will study key passages about stones in the Bible, what God taught through them, and how to respond to His message.

Floodology” will take a look at conditions before the Flood, building the ark, a day in the ark, the Flood, and conditions after the Flood.

Rock Handling and a Field Guide will provide hands-on projects and workbook activities to take home.

The Chuck Wagon will offer tasty grub to one and all.

Memory Rodeo gives our rock hounds and rock hunters opportunity to exercise and cement learning.

The Rock: On Christ the Solid Rock we can stand!

Flood Legends from around the world are another witness that the Flood was truly around the world. It covered the earth!

If Rocks Could Talk: This daily “Talk Show” gives rocks a chance to be heard.

Fossil Feature is a fun glimpse of what fossils might say about the evolutionary lies told about them.

Memory Verses give a rock-solid foundation for life and Original Songs help spread God's message in the rocks!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Increased Opportunity
It had been a very long day and it would be a much longer night. We had finally finished preparations for the trip and had driven an hour on our way south when I discovered I had left an essential item at home. What?! Could I really be that forgetful? Yes, unfortunately, I could be. We still had about six hours to drive to make it to our destination in Missouri, but first Mom and Dad would graciously make the almost two-hour trip home and back, while Bryan and I did some last minute shopping.

We were excited to be headed down to Kansas City where we would be teaching the third through sixth graders at the 2013 Christian Chinese Retreat. We would be sharing the VBS curriculum we had taught that summer. I felt I knew what to expect. After all, we had done it last year. A lot would happen in the next few days. I was trying not to think about how we would somehow drag ourselves out of bed after ariving in Missouri around 4 a.m. and head for the hotel where the retreat would be held. We planned to meet with others and transform a huge room into a castle-themed classroom, with activity, counseling, and team registration areas. That night the children would arrive and five days of teaching would begin. It would end on Christmas Day and then we would see Kevan, Deana, and Tirzah that night. Bryan and I were happily roaming the store with a giggling doll for Tirzah, when we got the call.

"Who can't come?"
"The first and second grade teachers who live in Arkansas? Oh, that is too bad!"
"The first and second graders are joining us?"
"You mean we will have first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth?!"
"Of course we will do it!"

Suddenly I felt the need to call our helpers and make sure they would be there!
Bryan reminded me that this was a great opportunity and I agreed. It was definitely an opportunity. The Lord was reminding us to rely on His power and not our program. I was feeling a little weak as I tried to adjust things in my mind. More grades meant more children. More children meant more groups and more organization needed to keep snack time, bathroom breaks, etc., from becoming chaos. I wasn't too worried though. I knew the Lord would help Aunt Stacy and me to figure it out. Besides, we had four extra workers coming that I knew would be great.

"You are not sure you can come?"
"The roads are supposed to be covered in ice and snow?"
"I agree. Driving back and forth that distance would be dangerous, but there has to be some way. We need you girls!"

My tired brain was whirling around trying to figure a way for this to work when my brother came up with a logical solution. Now to make calls to several hard-to-get-a-hold-of people and hope they all agreed with our idea.

"Dear Jesus, please help this to all work out for your glory! You know we need these workers!"

 Praise God, He answered this prayer and so many more during the week!

Answers to prayer:
* Our extra workers, the Cahill ladies, were able to come.
* Registration went very well the first night and for every session that followed.
* The Lord gave us ideas to keep things organized and ways to improve as the week progressed.
* We were able to set everything up in time for the children that first day. It looked like a castle!
* My computer did not give me awful fits like last year as I adjusted PowerPoint to fit the schedule.
* The staff was unified, prayerful, and had some opportunities to fellowship.
* Bryan and Stan were healthy and strong enough to do their parts in the teaching.
* Susan was able to balance her part in the teaching with the care of her family.
* Jessica was able to stay energetic and do her duties as lead teacher on less sleep than desired.
* The children were attentive and open to the teaching as a whole. Pray for those few hardened       hearts.
* The children learned the songs and verses well and participated in the learning and dragon legends.
* Parents were encouraged by the things their children told them from the teaching.
* Only a few children got sick and no child was injured in our care during the week.
* We were able to take 194 children up two stories in the hotel and assemble them on the stage and in the aisles of the huge meeting room for the Parent Program. This was done in record time and order, even though we didn't have all our team leaders. God provided a few extra helpers for this endeavor! Praise the Lord! The children sang three songs and quoted the scripture passage they had learned during the first four days of the retreat.
* We felt the Holy Spirit's presence and saw children drawn to Christ, attitudes change, and God work.

We praise God for increasing our ability to share His Word and way of salvation with more precious souls (194!) by giving us the first and second graders as well as the third through sixth. During the retreat nine children made first-time professions of faith in Christ and fourteen prayed for assurance of salvation. Many others came back to ask questions. One little girl trusted in Christ the second night, after definitely telling me she did not want to be there only a few hours before. It was a blessing for me to get to counsel with her and hear her heartfelt prayer to her Saviour. In the days that followed, she went back during the invitation several times with questions, concern for her friends to be saved, and wanting the Lord to help her do things that were hard for her. This second grader was just one of many who made Christ her King and encouraged me to not be weary in His service. Christ desires to increase our opportunities. May we be willing for them to increase and to allow Him to make us able.  

Please pray.. 
* For those who have yet to bow the knee to Christ as Saviour.
* For some with hard hearts who say they know Christ, but don't seem to be interested in Him or have respect for His word being taught or their authorities. 
* For the baby Christians who need to grow.
* For the families these children belong to. May the parents, grandparents, siblings, and others be drawn to Christ and follow Him.
* That the children will remember the things they were taught and allow Christ to continue to work in their hearts.
* That God will increase both our and your opportunities to serve Him.