Now and Later
It is a lovely spring day as I sit at my work station on our enclosed front porch preparing the 2012 VBS curriculum
"Where Were You? Detectives."
The warm sunbeams streaming through the windows remind me that it won't be long until summer is here and we will be teaching this material! It is both exciting and sobering to know that our efforts NOW will make a huge impact on how effective our teaching will be during the months of June, July, and August.
It doesn't matter how trained, organized, or dynamic a teacher may be, if the content of what they teach is not solid, understandable, and true, the students will not learn anything worthwhile.
We need to be diligent now so that
we can make an impact later.
How often as Christians are we tempted to think,
"I don't have time to study God's Word today.
I will do that later when I can really dig into it."
"I know I should be serving God;
maybe I'll get involved in ministry this summer or next year.
Right now I need to concentrate on..."
We forget that what we do now will make an impact on what we do tomorrow, next year, and ten years from now. How do we know when God will prompt us to give the gospel, a Biblical answer to a tough question, or verses of encouragement?
If we don't go to God for wisdom and instruction now,
how can we expect to be prepared for later?
"Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes;
and I shall keep it unto the end."
Psalm 119:33
Jessica Myers thinking out loud ____________ ______ ___ _ |
This is so convicting to me personally. I thank God that He gives mercy and grace! I need to make sure I spend time in God's Word and will today so that I will be ready for what He has for me tomorrow. I don't want to be overpowered by the daily NOW pressures in my life that I miss out on God's LATER blessings.
Please pray for the Stan Myers Family
as we develop this summer's "Where Were You? Detectives" curriculum.
It is our desire and need for God to instruct us in what and how we are to share from His Word. Pray that He will also give us creative ways to capture and hold attention to teach children to look at things from a Biblical, logical viewpoint.